SFO Fuels Storage Facility

Location: San Francisco, CA

Owner: SFO Fuels, LLC

Contract: $16.5 Million

Role: General Contractor

Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build

Result and Benefit to Client

A quality project was delivered safely, on time, within budget, and with no contamination to the San Francisco Bay and minimal interruptions to fueling operations during construction.

Project Description

SFO Fuels Co. is comprised of 42 airlines that purchase and lease aviation fueling systems at SFO.

The entire $100 million fuel system expansion project consisted of five miles of underground fuel piping, and the two 75,000-barrel above-ground storage tanks and a jet fuel pump station constructed by Monterey Mechanical.

Coordination with SFO, the San Mateo County Fire Marshall, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board required constant updates and meetings regarding construction and the potential impact to the environment.

Challenges | Solutions

Three primary concerns for construction of the SFO Fuels Storage Facility were: 1) preventing contamination of the Bay during construction; 2) preventing damage to high-pressure gas/fuel lines not clearly marked on maps; and 3) avoiding interruptions to San Francisco Airport fueling operations.

Monterey Mechanical successfully resolved all issues by developing and enforcing a stringent Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); implementing hand/vacuum excavations to locate the gas/fuel pipelines to avoid compromising pipes integrity; and by developing a schedule/work plan that eliminated impacts to fueling operations at the airport. In addition to eliminating outages by using hot-taps, the amount of work required during outages to keep outage times to a minimum was also reduced.