Whittier Elementary School

Location: Oakland, CA

Owner: Oakland Unified School District

Contract: Prime Contractor - $25.6 Million; Monterey Mechanical - $2.4 Million

Role: Subcontractor

Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build

Result and Benefit to Client

Monterey Mechanical provided quality construction services on schedule and within budget with no safety incidents.

Project Description

The Whittier Elementary School project constructed three new buildings on the existing site.

Monterey Mechanical installed the HVAC systems and performed upgrades to the main building boiler system. We were a subcontractor to Cahill Construction.

Challenges | Solutions

Monterey Mechanical takes safety seriously on all projects, but especially when school children are on the construction site. Because the Whittier Elementary School project involved removing asbestos, Monterey Mechanical staff maintained a daily vigilance keeping a watchful eye for potential issues.

Even though safety protocols were in place, a serious health hazard was averted when one of Monterey Mechanical’s workers saw an employee of the prime contractor on the project handling material containing asbestos and not following the proper safety procedures. He stopped the worker letting him know the proper protocols to follow. Steven Archuleta, the Senior Safety Engineer with Cahill Contractors, sent a personal note to Rob Johnson thanking him for recognizing and responding to the hazardous activity. “Thank you for doing the right thing,” he said.